Camping is an all-time favorite for millions of people when it comes to getting outside. Still, when someone mentions camping, most people think tents and heavy backpacks. However, that is not the case with HAP , It get a lot simpler . Our team ensure your comfort by taking care of all the basic amenities from setting up the tents to getting the beds , fans and lights ready before your arrival.
The only thing you are required to bring is the your mood of adventure. You’ll surely loose all the worries after you board the raft and feel the vibe of river Ganga. Bring in your family and friends at the camp, surrounded by majestic hills. Feel the soothing banks of one of the most pious rivers of the world and make your holiday memorable.

At HAP we have luxurious Swiss tents situated beside the beautiful banks of river Ganga to help you forget all your worries and enjoy the heavenly beauty of mother nature . We have the largest beach camping arrangement Rishikesh with a capacity to accommodate 150 people. The camp sites are also equipped with various sport activities like volleyball , cricket , football , etc. along with our adventure activities.